
I am Cornelius Fritz, an assistant professor at the School for Computer Science and Statistics at Trinity College Dublin.
Before that I was a postdoc at Penn State working with Michael Schweinberger and David Hunter on network models under local dependence. I obtained my Ph.D. student in statistics under the supervision of Göran Kauermann.

Smart devices collecting interpersonal data surround us at every move and facilitate novel ways of measuring and understanding social behavior. The collected data provide planetary-scale views of online interpersonal relations, allowing a more nuanced look at bias in information diffusion, polarization, and echo chamber effects. In my research, I use statistics to learn from such network data to answer questions posed within the social sciences in uncertain and changing environments.

My research mainly originates from multidisciplinary collaborations with social scientists approaching me with data and questions revolving around networks. As a statistician, I operate in two worlds: the real world, which encompasses observed data with all its imperfections and substantive knowledge of the subject matter, and the model world, which is an artificial representation of the real world characterized by a stochastic model. I develop novel data analysis techniques by combining statistical and machine learning with substantive theory to bridge the gap between the real and model world.

If you have any questions on some of my papers, want to discuss some research topic, or just want to get in touch, you can best reach me via mail mail or Twitter.